the 5 of us at the Schlossplatz
Starbucks durfte auf keinen Fall fehlen! Für die Mädels war es das erste mal Frappuccino/Mocha seit Amerika:)
We went to the Wasen, comparable to the Munich Oktoberfest,
made Piizzaa
Sunday morning we had breakfast at Ritter Sport and of course, f you wanna be a real American, you go there in your sweatpants!
it was an amazing weekend and it was so nice to see all of you again. It really was like getting a little bit of Portland to Stuttgart:)
Can't wait to see you in Nürnberg in 2 months!
1 Kommentar:
how cool is that. you guys got together and went to Starbucks ;) Lol.
How's your Uni Sarah?
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